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Creating links or shortcuts within ProjectWise

Here the way to create a link or shortcut from a folder in ProjectWise to another folder in ProjectWise.

In administrator create a new program association that uses the command line:

“%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe” “%1”

associate the .lnk extension with that program.

Then drag a file or folder to your desktop. That will create a link to that file or folder.  Drag the link file back into ProjectWise.  Double-click it and it should jump to the file/folder.

Downsides – it’s treated like a normal file, so it’s checked out, it asks if you want to check it in, plus Explorer asks you if you want to open it or not (there may be a command line way around this I didn’t play with it that much.  Three dialog boxes to make the jump, a little annoying.

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