The Inclusion of an item on the Qualified Products List does not mean that the item meets the current Buy America requirements for federal projects as specified in 2019 Special Provisions 106-5. The burden of proof to verify that the product meets the Buy America provisions rests on the Contractor.

If change occurs to QPL Product Name, Manufacturer Name, product composition, assembly, or manufacturing methods, send signed notification on Company letterhead to:

Materials Division Engineer
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
5201 N.E. 122nd Street, Building 4011
Edmond, OK  73013-8306

Select Category links below for qualified listed products in that Category:

Category (*)

Asphalt Additives and Processes (411.04)

Asphalt Release Agents (411.03)

Bituminous Materials (708)

Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) (702.03)

Conc Surf Finish for Structures (737)

Construction Fabrics (712)

Dowel Bar Retrofit Mortar (701.16)

Drainage Conduits (726)

Elec Wire/Cable, Bldg/Hwy Light (738.02)

Elec Wire/Cable, Communication (738.03)

Elec Wire/Cable, Traf Signal (738.01)

Fiber Reinf Polymer Material (524.02)

Fly Ash (702.01)

Galvanic Anodes (513)

Guard Rail Materials (623)

HC Concrete Admixtures, Liquid (701.03)

HC Concrete Curing Agents (701.07)

HC Concrete Epoxy Systems (701.13)

HC Concrete Water Repellants (701.12)

Hydraulic Cements (701.02)

Iron Castings (725.03)

Joint Fillers & Sealers (701.08)

Non-Shrink Grout (733.07)

Overhead Sign Structures (720)

Paint for Structural Steel (730)

Precast Concrete Culverts (508)

Precast Concrete Walls (510)

Prestressed Concrete Bridge Items (503)

Reinforcing Steel (723)

Sign Posts, Galvanized Steel (721)

Silica Fume (702.04)

Silt Dike - Triangular (735.07)

Slag Cement (702.02)

Structural Steel (724)

Surf Appl Pen Corros Inhibitors (535.02)

Waterproofing Membranes (712.09)


* 2009 Specification Reference

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