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PSE Delivery:

  1. Navigate to the OSD Portal on the intranet webpage located at
  2. On the menu bar at the top, under the “Business” drop down CLICK  “OSD Plans Library Portal”
  3. Locate the “FINAL PSE DELIVERY” section next to the GREEN CHECK MARK.
  4. CLICK  the link that says “submit final pse plans >”
  5. Complete the form shown on the website.  Fields marked with a red star are mandatory.
  6. Once you have double checked your information, CLICK Submit.
  7. Scroll to the top of the page, you should see a confirmation.  Your project has officially been submitted OSD.


  1. Once the confirmation message is displayed, you may check to see if your project in the OSD working queue.
  2. To the left of the confirmation message, CLICK  “ODOT Plans Library Dashboard”.
  3. Scroll down until you see “QUICK VIEW | PROJECTWISE INCIDENTS / CASES”
  4. CLICK the big green button “VIEW FULL DASHBOARD”.
  5. Locate your project under the “Plans Library Services” heading.
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