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ART, Henry W. The Wildflower Gardener’s Guide: Midwest, Great Plains and Canadian Prairie Edition - Storey, 1991 (192 p.)

Craig & Nadine
Photographing Wildflowers - Voyageur Press, 1987 (64 p.)

COFFEY, Timothy The History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers - Houghton Mifflin Co., 1993 (356 p.)

FREEMAN, Craig C. Roadside Wildflowers of the Southern Great Plains - SCHOFIELD, Eileen University Press of Kansas, 1991 (280 p.)

HUNTER, Carl G. Wildflowers of Arkansas - Ozark Society Foundation, Little Rock, AR, 1984

JOHNSON, Lady Bird
LEES, Carlton B.
Wildflowers Across America - Abbeville Press, 1988

LADD, Douglas M. Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers: A Field Guide - A Nature Conservancy Book Falcon Press Publishing, 1995 (254 p., color)

McCOY, Doyle Oklahoma Wildflowers - McCoy Publishing Co., 1987 (206 p.)

OGDEN, Scott Gardening Success With Difficult Soils; Limestone, Alkaline Clay and Caliche - Taylor Publishing Co., Dallas, TX, 1992 (includes many natives, mostly Texas and other Southwestern plants)

Pasture and Range Plants - Fort Hays State University, Fort Hayes, KS , 1986 (175 p.)

STEIN, Sara Noah’s Garden: Restoring the ecology of our own back yards - Houghton Mifflin, 1993 (294 p.)

Taylor’s Guide to Natural Gardening - Houghton Mifflin Co, 1993 (507 p., color) Rogers Holmes, Editor

TAYLOR, Constance
An Annotated List of the Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms and Flowering Plants of Oklahoma - 1994


Roadside Use of Native Plants - Publication # FHWA-EP-99-014, 1999 (665 p.)
Common Roadside Invasives: A Roadside Field Guide to Showy Herbaceous Weeds - Office of Natural Environment, Washington, D.C.

WILSON, Jim Landscaping with Wildflowers; An Environmental Approach to Gardening - Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992 (244 p., color)

For information concerning the Oklahoma Department of Transportation’s Wildflower Program, contact the Beautification Office at (405) 521-4037 or email beauty@odot.org.

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