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ODOT 2012 TREE GRANT AVAILABILITYThe Oklahoma Department of Transportation Beautification Office is proud to announce information related to the Annual Tree Grant Enhancement Program, funded annually. Grants are available only to qualified entities listed in the "Who Can Apply" section on this page. Over 300 tree grants have been awarded since 1997, making a visible difference to Oklahoma’s public transportation corridors. The purpose of these tree grants is to improve communities through the use of trees; i.e. screening, aesthetics, erosion control, noise barrier, etc. If funded, grant monies totaling $435,000 will be available to award to communities ranging from $1,875 to $25,000 with a 25% Local Match requirement.
Applicants submit a Grant Application, available on this website along with Grant Application Instructions, which is judged by a panel of five highly qualified individuals. The applications are judged on the proposed site’s visibility, need for improvement, design, and the adequacy and cost-effectiveness of the maintenance program, plan and budget. WHERE CAN THE TREES BE PLANTED?Grant trees can be planted on public property or right-of-way along public roadways and public transportation corridors. All sites and plant material must be clearly visible and clearly linked to the corridor. If project site is located on ODOT property, PRIOR APPROVAL of site MUST be obtained from the local ODOT Field Division Engineer, and an appropriate ODOT Landscape Agreement completed, signed by both the entity applying for the Grant and by ODOT, and attached to the Grant Application. Municipalities will complete the ODOT Agreement for Landscaping with Municipality form, and other entity developers will complete the ODOT Agreement for Landscaping with Developer form. Allow 4 to 6 weeks lead time for ODOT approvals. HOW CAN I SPEND THE MONEY?Purchase and install trees, large shrubs, tall ornamental grasses and drip irrigation systems or gater bags on public property or right-of-way along any public roadway or public transportation corridor. FREE GRANT PREPARATION WORKSHOPA "Free" Grant Preparation Workshop will be held Friday, April 6, 2012, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., at the Will Rogers Garden Exhibition Center at Will Rogers Park, 3400 N. W. 36th Street, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ODOT strongly urges attendance, as it has been proven to be helpful in answering questions and providing guidance in making application for the ODOT Tree Grant. ODOT Landscape Agreements will be discussed in length for projects involving ODOT Highway Right-of-Way. Please RSVP the ODOT Beautification Office at least ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE of this year’s Grant Preparation Workshop @ (405) 521-4037, if you plan to attend. NO REGISTRATION FEE IS REQUIRED. HISTORYOklahoma motorists are enjoying more trees and shrubs along Public Transportation Corridors across the state. Much of the increased landscaping is being made possible by the Tree Grant pioneered in 1997 by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT). Since 1997, over 300 tree grants have been awarded to communities all over the state. The funding of the original program was part of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), a Federal Act that included money for roadside enhancement. ODOT distributes the money to various communities to help finance landscaping and beautification projects along Oklahoma publicroadways and public transportation corridors, all of which are aimed at "Keeping Our Land Grand"! In 2000, the Transportation Commission approved a three year Tree Grant with an additional 1.5 million in funding from the TEA-21 roadside enhancement funds. In 2007, the new highway bill (SAFETEA-LU) passed Congress and ODOT approved another three years of Tree Grants! Each year's Tree Grant Program is dependent upon authorized available funding. |