HOMEDBE Information
Contact External Civil Rights

DBE Office certifies businesses capable of performing services and/or providing products which can be credited toward disadvantaged business enterprise goals on federally assisted contracts. These services and/or products are generally related to construction projects, transit services, professional and consultant service contracts, funded wholly or in part by FHWA, FTA, or FAA.

The Certification Process is to ensure that only qualified small businesses that are independently owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged persons are certified for this program. Once you are certified, your firm’s name will be placed on the Directory of Certified Firms which is available on this website or upon request. Your firm's information will also be available in the DBE Certified Directory Database. The bidders on projects must use certified DBE(s) from this Directory to meet project goals.

Civil Rights provides a DBE Supportive Services Program which assists in answering questions regarding your Uniform Certification Application; provide technical assistance in areas related to business. provide training in areas of need, such as estimating, plan reading, specification reading, and business techniques; and assistance for firms in getting through the ODOT contracting process and DBE certification process.

DBEs, we are interested in obtaining your feedback on the type of classes, events, and services we can provide you. Please take a moment and complete our short survey! The survey will remain open until February 27, 2015.

2015 DBE Training Survey

HOMEDBE Information