HOMEDBE InformationSupportive Services

The mission of the Civil Rights Division, DBE Program, is to maximize opportunities for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals to participate in the highway construction program by developing, administering and monitoring the external civil rights program as mandated by federal regulations.

The primary purpose of the DBE Supportive Services is to provide training, assistance and services to firms that are certified in the DBE program with the State of Oklahoma to facilitate the firm's development into viable, self-sufficient businesses capable of competing for and performing on, federally assisted highway projects.

As defined in 23 CFR part 230, Supportive Services means "those services and activities provided in connection with minority business enterprise programs which are designed to increase the total number of minority businesses active in the highway program and contribute to the growth and eventual self-sufficiency of individual minority businesses so that such businesses may achieve proficiency to compete on an equal basis, for federally aided contracts and subcontracts."

It is the policy of the FHWA to promote increased participation of DBEs on federally funded highway projects through the development and implementation of supportive services programs administered by the State transportation agency.

The DBE Supportive Services provides many types of technical assistance to DBEs. Many of these services are available to both certified DBEs and other non-DBE, transportation-related small businesses, free of charge. Please refer to the following links for further information regarding:

HOMEDBE InformationSupportive Services