SOLICITATION MATERIALS Study Area Alternatives Comment Form Presentation Handout Get Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer |
SUBJECT:The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposes to improve SH-82 from the vicinity of Allen Road in Tahlequah north and west to the town of Gideon in Cherokee County. Existing SH-82 has narrow shoulders, sharp curves and rolling terrain which result in inadequate sight distance to safely pass slow moving vehicles or to stop for vehicles that are turning or have stopped on the highway. These factors contribute to a substantial accident history. In addition the current Average Daily Traffic count on SH-82 is 8,140 vehicles per day with a 20 year projected traffic count of 11,600 vehicles per day. The current two-lane highway cannot adequately handle this amount of traffic. A four-lane divided highway is also desirable to complete the outer loop around the city of Tahlequah in anticipation of future traffic needs. As part of our efforts to keep the public informed of this project and involved in the decision process, ODOT has scheduled a public meeting. The meeting will include a presentation/open house about the proposed improvements to SH-82 including why the improvements are needed, the type of improvements proposed, and the expected impacts to motorists and the surrounding community. The purpose of this meeting is to present the alternatives to the public and get public input to aid ODOT in selecting a preferred alternative to move forward with the completion of the detailed environmental studies, design and construction. Additional information about the project and the upcoming meeting can be obtained from the following:Laurie Effinger, ODOT Environmental Project Manager (405) 521-2535 or Jenny Sallee, Project Manager, Garver (918) 250-5922, or If you require special accommodations for the meeting, please direct your request to Frank Roesler III, ODOT Public Involvement Officer, (405) 521-2350 or to at least three (3) working days in advance of the meeting date. |