HOMEPlanning & ResearchNeeds Study
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Secretary of Transportation:Gary Ridley

Transportation Commission
Carlisle Mabrey III

James H. Dunegan

Dan B. Overland

Jackie R. Cooper

- District 1

- District 2

- District 3

- District 4
  Loyd Benson

Bruce Benbrook

Bradley W. Burgess

Peter J. Regan

- District 5

- District 6

- District 7

- District 8

State District Map

The Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report is mandated by state statute and it is published every other year. The objectives of the study are to:

  • 1) Assess the physical and operational conditions of the State Highway System
  • 2) Estimate the cost to bring the Highway System up to minimum design standards
  • 3) Estimate future state and federal funding needed for highway improvements, and
  • 4) Determine the adequacy of funding

This is the 26th biennial Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report which is contained in two volumes. Volume I utilizes the information developed in Volume II to estimate the financial needs of the State Highway System in order to upgrade it to minimum design standards in the next 20 years. It also projects the availability of state and federal funds to meet those needs. In addition, Volume I pictorially depict the sufficiency rating of the highway system. Volume II contains the field data needed to assess and evaluate the existing highway system based on its physical and operational characteristics and geometric design. Data in this report is stratified into three levels: Level I, State Data; Level II, Commission District Data; and Level III, County Data. When feasible, numbers were rounded to the nearest whole number.

The needs and adequacy of the State highways and bridges were established under guidelines set forth in the Procedural Manual for Determining Adequacy and Needs of the Oklahoma State Highway System. Highway and bridge minimum design standards for each classification of the highway system were compared to those of the same classification on the existing facilities to determine the level of adequacy and to estimate improvement costs as reported in Volume II.

The Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report includes a detailed listing of the State Highway System needed improvements as of January 1, 2009. The estimated cost to improve the State Highway System to minimum design standards (needs) is equal to the sum of costs to improve the existing inadequate mileage (backlog) as well as the mileage that will become inadequate during the next 20 years (obsolescence).

The State Highway System construction needs are reported by the State Functional Classification (Interstate, Principal Arterial, Minor Arterial, or Collector) for each commission district and county. Federal and state funds that are projected to be available to ODOT during the next 20 years are also reported. Comparison of the two (needs and available funds) should provide the readers of this report with a glimpse of the future condition the Oklahoma State Highway System if no additional investments are made.

Open or Download the Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report Volume 1 (18.2 mb).

Open or Download the Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report Volume 2 (17.2 mb).

Should you have any questions or need additional information regarding the Needs Study & Sufficiency Rating Report, please contact Mr. Wayne Barber by phone at (405) 522-6705 or by e-mail at wbarber@odot.org.

Hard Copies are available upon writen request from the Printing Services Branch.

HOMEPlanning & ResearchNeeds Study