HOMEPublic TransportationURBANNorman
Contact Transit Programs

Cleveland Areat Rapid Transit (CART)

Serving The University of Oklahoma and City of Norman

510 E. Chesapeake
Norman, OK 73019-5128
Voice: (405) 325-CART(2278)
E-mail: rideCART@ou.edu
Website: http://rideCART.com
Download "CART Norman" app
Follow @CARTNorman or CART on Facebook


Serving Norman, Okla., since 1980, Cleveland Area Rapid Transit (CART) transports more than 1 million passengers annually on its fixed-route bus system. CART buses run seven Norman city routes and three University of Oklahoma campus routes on weekdays and most Saturdays. CART also operates a commuter route, the Sooner Express, to Oklahoma City on weekdays. CART operates a paratransit service, CARTaccess, for the elderly, disabled, and those unable to ride the fixed-route bus system.

For a full list of routes, schedules, and other information, visit the website rideCART.com.


CART Fixed Route

Norman single trip is 75 cents.
Sooner Express single trip is $3.
Children (under age 6) are free.
CARTaccess passengers with ADA card ride free.
OU faculty/staff/students ride free.*
Norman Monthly Unlimited is $25.
Sooner Express Monthly Unlimited is $50.

Reduced fares are available for single trips at 35 cents ($1.50 for Sooner Express) and the Norman monthly at $12.50 ($25 for Sooner Express monthly) for seniors 60 and older, persons with disabilities, Medicare cardholders, and youth ages 6 to 17.


Primary Zone single trip is $1.50
Secondary Zone single trip is $3.50
Same-Day urgent single trip is $3.50
CARTaccess Pass is $15.
OU faculty/staff/students ride free in Primary Zone and $1.50 in Secondary Zone.*

*OU contributes funding to CART to subsidize fares for faculty, staff, and students traveling in Norman, However, the Sooner Express is NOT free. Students must show student ID with current validation sticker (available at Sooner Card and Parking Services offices). LNC Shuttle Route 40 and Campus Corner Shuttle Route 45 are free to all passengers.

**Bus Fare assistance is available through Community Development Block Grant passes to persons with low to moderate income for all CART services except the Sooner Express. Applications are available at the CART office or online at rideCART.com. This program is funded by the City of Norman.

How Do I Buy CART Passes?

Riders can pay single-trip fare on the bus itself with exact change. Passes can be purchased at OU Parking Services, 1107 Elm Ave. in Norman, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To learn more about CART and view bus schedules and routes, visit rideCART.com or call (405) 325- 2278. Also, download CART’s app, now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store by searching “CART Norman”. To learn more about carpooling or to be matched with someone in your area, visit www.getaroundok.com.

Please be sure to check CART’s website (rideCART.com) for the most updated or additional information.

HOMEPublic TransportationURBANNorman