Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Full-size image of Figure 7B-2

Figure 7B-2. Examples of Signing for School Crosswalk Warning Assembly

This figure illustrates examples of signing for school crosswalk warning assembly.

A vertical roadway with two-way traffic is shown with one T-shaped intersection at each end of the roadway to the right and two in the middle section to the left.

At the bottom of the figure, a sign assembly is shown to the right of the vertical roadway in advance of a T-shaped intersection on the right. An upward-pointing pentagon-shaped yellow sign with a black border and black symbols of two left-facing children walking is shown above a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and the word "AHEAD" in black. To the right of this plaque, the word "OR" is shown and another plaque with the words "300 FT." To the right of this plaque, the word "OR" is shown and another plaque with the words "300 FEET" on two lines.

Just south of a T-shaped intersection to the left in the middle section of the roadway, a horizontal rectangle with black and white diagonal stripes, representing a crosswalk, is shown on the vertical roadway. A sign assembly is shown to the right of the roadway on each side of the crosswalk, facing oncoming traffic. The sign assembly is shown composed of an upward-pointing pentagon-shaped yellow sign with a black border and black symbols of two left-facing children walking mounted above a horizontal rectangular yellow plaque with a black border and diagonal black arrow pointing down and to the left.

At the top of the figure, a sign assembly is shown to the left of the vertical roadway, facing southbound traffic, in advance of a T-shaped intersection on the right of the figure. The sign assembly is composed of the same sign and plaques as at the bottom of the figure, but the words "100 m" are shown instead of "300 FT" and the words "100 METERS" are shown instead of "300 FEET."

The dimension from the crosswalk to each sign assembly is labeled with an asterisk and "See note" indicating the note "45 m (150 ft) MIN 210 m (700 ft) MAX (for distances in between see Section 2C.05)."

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