Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Full-size image of Figure 2H-5, sheet 1 of 5

Figure 2H-5. Recreational and Cultural Interest Area Symbol Signs (Sheet 1 of 5)

This figure shows 129 recreational and cultural interest area symbol signs. The figure is composed of five sheets. They are square brown symbol signs with white borders and legends.

  1. Sheet 1 of the figure shows 25 signs.

RG-010 is shown with a side view of a sedan. It is labeled "Automobile."

RG-020 is shown with a side view of a bear with one front paw raised. It is labeled "Bear Viewing Area."

RG-030 is shown with a cross-section view of a vertical barrier with five vertical waves to the left of the barrier and one to the right. It is labeled "Dam."

RG-040 is shown with a side view of a deer with antlers. It is labeled "Deer Viewing Area."

RG-050 is shown with a drinking glass with a wave at the top. It is labeled "Drinking Water."

RG-060 is shown with a symbol of a person standing with outstretched arms inside of and touching one end of a spiraling square-shaped line. It is labeled "Environmental Study Area."

RG-070 is shown with an equilateral triangle with jagged discs breaking off the right side. It is labeled "Falling Rocks."

RG-080 is shown with a side view of a rifle. It is labeled "Firearms."

RG-090 is shown with a side view of a fish. It is labeled "Fish Hatchery."

RG-100 is shown with a large question mark. It is labeled "Information."

RG-110 is shown with a symbol of a person holding a leash attached to a sitting dog. It is labeled "Leashed Pets."

RG-120 is shown with a symbol of a lighthouse with an open door on the right. It is labeled "Lighthouse."

RG-130 is shown with a symbol of a person putting trash into a container. It is labeled "Litter Container."

RG-140 is shown with a roofed structure atop tall vertical supports connected by a cross brace. It is labeled "Lookout Tower."

RG-150 is shown with a symbol of a person walking between two horizontal dotted lines. It is labeled "Ped Xing."

RG-160 is shown with a diagonal arrow on the lower left pointing up and to the right at a disc on the upper right of the sign. It is labeled "Point of Interest."

RG-170 is shown with a symbol of a ranger standing next to a building that has a flag. It is labeled "Ranger Station."

RG-180 is shown with a symbol of a horizontal cigarette with smoke rising from the right end. It is labeled "Smoking."

RG-190 is shown with a symbol of a box truck. It is labeled "Truck."

RG-200 is shown with a small solid upside-down "U" within an upside-down segmented U-shaped line. It is labeled "Tunnel."

RG-240 is shown with a symbol of a standing dog. It is labeled "Dog."

RG-260 is shown with a symbol of a single propeller seaplane. It is labeled "Seaplane."

RM-010 is shown with a symbol of a tent. It is labeled "Camping (Tent)."

RM-020 is shown with a symbol of a camper trailer. It is labeled "Camping (Trailer)."

RM-030 is shown with a symbol of a car on a horizontal platform atop a wave. It is labeled "Ferry."

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