Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Full-size image of Figure 2E-45

Figure 2E-45. Enhanced Reference Location Signs

This figure shows four reference location signs. They are narrow, vertical rectangular green signs with white borders and legends.

D10-4 is shown with the word "WEST" on the top line, a white U.S. Route shield with the numerals "12" on it on the second line, the word "MILE" on the third line, and the numerals "260" on the fourth line. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown with the same first two lines but the letters "km" on the third line and the numerals "418" on the fourth line.

D10-5 is shown with the word "WEST" on the top line, a white U.S. Route shield with the numerals "12" on it on the second line, the word "MILE" on the third line, the numerals "260" on the fourth line, a horizontal dividing line, and the decimal numeral ".2" on the fifth line. To the right of this sign, the word "OR" is shown and another sign. This sign is shown with the same first two lines but the letters "km" on the third line, the numerals "418" on the fourth line, and the decimal numeral ".8" below the dividing line.

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