Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Full-size image of Figure 2E-41

Figure 2E-41. Examples of General Service Signs (without Exit Numbering)

This figure shows two examples of general service signs without exit numbering. The signs are shown as horizontal rectangular blue signs with white borders and lettering.

D9-18e is shown as a square sign with the words "FOOD - PHONE," "GAS - LODGING," "HOSPITAL," "CAMPING," and "NEXT EXIT" displayed on five lines.

D9-18 is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign with symbols of a gas pump, vertical fork and knife on a plate, and stylized symbol of a person in a bed on the top line, and symbols of a telephone receiver, large letter "H," and tent on the bottom line. Below this sign, an E2-2 shown is shown. It is shown as a horizontal rectangular sign is shown with the words "SECOND RIGHT."

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