Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

Full-size image of Figure 2D-5

Figure 2D-5. Directional Arrow Auxiliary Signs

This figure shows nine directional arrow auxiliary signs. They are horizontal rectangular white signs with black borders and legends.

M5-1 is shown with a right-angled arrow pointing up and to the left.

M5-2 is shown with a vertical arrow bent at a 45-degree angle and pointing up and to the left.

M6-1 is shown with a horizontal arrow pointing to the right.

M6-2 is shown with a diagonal arrow pointing up and to the right.

M6-3 is shown with an upward-pointing vertical arrow.

M6-4 is shown with a horizontal double-headed arrow.

M6-5 is shown with a diagonal double-headed arrow pointing down and to the left and up and to the right.

M6-6 is shown with a right-angled double-headed arrow with one arrowhead pointing up and the other pointing to the right.

M6-7 is shown with a double-headed arrow, with one arrowhead pointing up and the other pointing at a 45-degree angle up and to the right.

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