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The contents of the "Spans of Time" represents the status of Oklahoma's Historic Bridges as of 1993.  Some of the bridges identified as historic in this report may no longer be eligible for the NRHP, or no longer be surviving.  Other bridges identified in this report as not eligible for the NRHP may have been determined eligible for a variety of reasons since the completion of this study.  This report does not reflect these changes.

The New May 2007 Oklahoma Historic Bridge Survey - Phase 1
A Re-evaluation of Spans of Time: Oklahoma Historic Highway Bridges is now available.

SPANS OF TIME The gathering at the river.  A baptism occurs near the first road bridge across the Caney River at Bartlesville, Indian Territory, 1905.  (Elmer Sark Collection, Bartlesville Public Library)

Oklahoma Historic Highway Bridges

Joseph E. King

Center for Historic Preservation & Technology
Texas Tech University

Prepared as Part of an Investigation
Conducted by the
Center for Historic Preservation & Technology
Texas Tech University

Sponsored by the
Planning Division
Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation
State of Oklahoma
and the Federal Highway Administration

June, 1993

The contents of the "Spans of Time" (this report) reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein.  The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Oklahoma Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration.  This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.  While equipment and contractor names may be in this report, it is not intended as an endorsement of any machine, contractor, or product.

Go to : Table of Contents    Acknowledgements    Introduction

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